Baptist  Church
Online Giving
About Us

Greenville Baptist Church
582 Putnam Pike
Greenville, RI USA 02828

(401) 949-1134
Email: Welcome @

May 16, 1820 as
The First Freewill Baptist Church of Smithfield
Greenville Baptist Church, as we are commonly known,
is an American Baptist Church.
Click here to learn more about what it means to be an American Baptist.

Rev. Isaac Seelam, Pastor

Dianne Du,  Music Director

Come and Worship with us
Sundays at 10:00 AM in person
and online with Facebook Live.
Children’s Sunday School is during the 10:00 service.
All are Welcome!

View services later on Facebook and
by searching for
Greenville Baptist Church, RI.
All are welcome to join together after the service
for a time of fellowship in the lower hall.
We follow CDC guidelines. HEPA filters are operating in the hall.

Several Bible Study opportunities are available.
Women’s Bible Study-Wednesday afternoons
Men’s Bible Study-Thursday Evenings
Christian Book Club & Prayer Group-Thursday Evenings
Call the church or email us for a current schedule.
All are Welcome!

Send prayer requests to: Pray @
We will pray for you or with you if you provide contact information.

Planting a tree to celebrate our 200th anniversary in 2020